Monday, August 15, 2011

All Nice And Cozy

    Prepare for a post that is fairly obese with pictures!

    My lovely neighbor/crafting companion Denise asked if I would make a bunch of coffee cozies for her fellow officer's wives. Happily I obliged. Each lady had a special color felt picked out just for her personality as well as a button (or two) that matched her disposition. I felt like I knew each of these gals a bit after I made each piece. Some were organic in nature, light hearted and girly, bold and fun, and there were also a few refined and classic. Crazy what you can get from two pieces of felt and a button or two. Needless to say, I had a ton of fun making these little cozies.

    I found that using an old cardboard throw away cozy as my template I could crank out these little suckers in no time! The thing that took the most time was the actual hand embroidering. I haven't used that much cursive in a long time. It is a shame really, cursive is so pretty!

    So, here are all the cozies I made. Prepare for a bajillion photos ladies and gents.












1 comment:

  1. I am SO happy with how these come out Mara! These are going to make the absolute best little gifts. I love how you can do so much to personalize these for people.

    Thanks again,
